As iPhone X has been released just for a couple of weeks, it should be a cheerful thing for the majority of Apple fans. However, is that true?
Massive negative news of iPhone X in different stages from manufacturing up to post-release can be found on the internet and maybe you should have a look at those:
Problem 1: Large shipment or not
Tim Cook had already taken steps in previous years to address the principle of releasing ‘overnight’ or ‘weekend’ sales figures of a product launch. The figure does reflect Apple’s ability to ship large quantities of iPhones for launch weekend so may not reflect the true demand, but everyone read it that way so that potential pain point was removed.

The problem with that is it leaves the geekerati looking for other signs. And when the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus launched, there was an obvious indicator that something was not following Cupertino’s script. There were no queues. There were no hoards of geekerati forced to wait in line to be released into the Apple Stores. There was no wait for any of the iPhone 8 family.
Which is why it's interesting that Apple, for the very first time, has felt the need to remind everyone that they should come to the Apple Store on launch day and they might still get an iPhone X… but they have to come early:
iPhone X will be available in more than 55 countries and territories, and in Apple Stores beginning Friday, November 3 at 8:00 a.m. local time. Stores will have iPhone X available for walk-in customers, who are encouraged to arrive early.
No doubt Apple will make sure the queues are visible outside every Apple Store.
Problem 2: Latest iOS 11 but shortest battery life
Then there’s iOS 11. Apple has been rolling out almost weekly bug fixes to the latest operating system. All of the current evidence points to iOS 11 having a detrimental effect on battery life across a wide range of iOS powered handsets. A cursory check on Twitter, Facebook, and in Apple’s own support forums reveals an avalanche of problems around poor performance and degraded battery life.

Problem 3: Does Face ID really recognize your face?
Then there’s the achilles heel of the iPhone X, facial recognition. Long believed to be the subsystem that has caused production to be delayed and the limiting factor in manufacturing units, Bloomberg’s Alex Webb and Sam Kim today reported on a number of issues around the manufacturing process, specifically highlighting the headache of Face ID.

Problem 4: The annoying green line & crappy sound issue
Usually this green line issue will appear during the blu-ray playback inside the blu-ray player, unfortunately and even worse this time, some iPhone X units are said spontaneously developing the same green line problem on the display screen.

Also the shadow of the looming iPhone X issue has been reported frequently as well. Another problem we have to mention is the distortion & buzzing sounds from earpiece speaker that some iPhone X users are experiencing right now.
Problem 5: High repair fee, let’s do the math.
iPhone is currently sold for $999.00 with the lower configuration and this is already the highest pricing in iPhone’s history ever. If you break the fragile screen or backpanel by accident, you may have to pay over half of the cost for the phone as the repair fee.

So it’s your own choice now to buy an iPhone X or not!