Thanksgiving is coming! Here are some great Thanksgiving games that you can play with your children to celebrate the Thanksgiving once a year! Check this out and have a happy Thanksgiving with your families.
Thanksgiving games you can play with your kids

Your kid's favorite classroom game, "Don't Eat Pete," just got a Thanksgiving makeover! “Don’t Eat Tom!” can be played 2 or more players, and here is how it works:
1. Place one piece of candy or whatever marker you choose in each square.
2. Have one child out of the group leave the room.
3. The other children decide which square will be “Tom” for that game. It can be any one, but only one.
4. The child comes back in the room and takes one candy at a time, until he reaches for the one designated as “Tom”….
5. The rest of the children say, “DON’T EAT TOM!”
6. Play starts over with another person leaving the room, the grid is all filled, and another “Tom” is chosen,
No 2. Pin The Feather On The Turkey
To play Pin The Feather On The Turkey, all you have to do is cut out the shapes to make a turkey and a bunch of feathers, then you'll play it just like a rousing game of pin the tail on the donkey—except that it's more like tape the tailfeather on the turkey. As you can see, a little construction paper and painter's tape can go a long way when it comes to entertaining kids on Thanksgiving!
No 3. Turkey Tag
This game can be considered a Thanksgiving version of flag tag. If weather permits, this is definitely a good game to play with your families. In this game, each player wears three clothespins on their clothing. Participants run around trying to remove clothespins from competitors. This is an activity that combines the need to get moving with a healthy dose of competition.
No 4. Pumpkin Roll
This one gets everyone moving and could help burn off those extra calories from the big dinner. You need two large pumpkins and maybe a couple of spares if one breaks. Pumpkins are not smooth balls, so they do not roll in a straight line. They tend to roll all over the place, which means big space is needed for this game. Racers line up and use their hands to move the pumpkin to the finish line. If you have many players, then make it a relay race.
No 5. For Thanksgiving Dinner I Had
For Thanksgiving Dinner I Had is a fun memory game that might have your guests or kids all tongue-tied! This is how it works: the first person starts by saying For Thanksgiving dinner I had then adds something they actually ate, like turkey. The second person has to repeat the first person’s sentence adding another food item at the end. The game continues around the circle. If a player makes a mistake, they are out. The person who can perfectly recite the Thanksgiving menu is the winner.
No 6. Thanksgiving Trivia
This little game requires a little knowledge. To play this game, you have to research fun facts about Thanksgiving, and quiz participants. Some samples: “How many turkeys are sold annually for Thanksgiving?” “What is the average size of a family’s turkey?” Write facts on note cards. It’s likely the guessers will not know the exact answers for some questions, but award the points to the one person who comes closest to guessing correctly.
No 7. Guess How Many
Fill an apothecary jar with candy corn and place in the center of your tablescape. If you have a pumpkin-shaped jar then it's even better. Provide guests with slips of paper and then ask them to guess how many candy corn kernels are in the jar. Whoever's guess is closest gets to take the jar home.
No 8. Thankful Alphabet Game
You can play this at the table or any time you want. A family member begins by saying something he or she is grateful for that starts with the letter A. The next person gives a grateful thanks starting with the letter B. Go around until your family gets to the letter Z. It’s a fun game especially with younger kids who are still mastering the alphabet.
A little tip for playing games on Thanksgiving
When you are enjoying your Thanksgiving with your families, never forget to record some footage of all of you having fun. Happy and union times are precious, you will find it so valuable after a few years or when your kids grow up. Furthermore, remember to make a DVD with the footage you recorded, and preserve it for the future.
Leawo DVD Creator is a great tool to burn you footage to a DVD disc, you can
create a beautiful DVD menu in it and make your happy memory looks even better. Enjoy your Thanksgiving, and save the good memories for the future.